Using the article editor toolbar

Will Gates
Will Gates

The Help Center article editor contains a toolbar you can use to format your knowledge base articles. The article toolbar is not the same as the toolbar that appears in community posts.

Editor bar

The following table describes the formatting options that are available.

Toolbar button Name Action
hc_article_toolbar_headings Paragraph Insert HTML headings
hc_article_editor_font_size Size Increase or decrase font size
Bold1 Bold Bold or unbold text
Underline1 Underline Underline or remove underline from text
color1 Text color Change text color using the color selector
Italic1 Italic Italicize or remove italics
Numbered1 Numbered list Create or remove a numbered list
Bulleted1 Bulleted list Create or remove a bulleted list
Align_indent Align/indent Align text left, center, or right; indent or outdent text
link Insert/edit link Create or edit a link and link text. You can link to a URL, heading in the article, or another article. See Inserting links.
insert_image Insert image Insert an image using the file browser. The image file size limit is 20 MB. See Inserting images.
video1 Add video Insert a video that is hosted on a supported service. See Inserting videos.
Table1 Table Create or modify tables using the menu options
code1 Source code View or edit the HTML source code

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